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21, 22 i 23 de Setembre Les Illes Medes han estat el refugi de pirates i corsaris desde fa molts anys, des d'allà dirigien els atacs a les costes des del mig del mar. Per recordar aquells temps, l'Estartit s'omple de festa. Els carrers estan plens de parades amb productes artesans i tradicionals, de decoracions i d'alegria. La fira se celebra el tercer cap de setmana de setembre, on podrem gaudir tots d'espectacles, cercaviles, actuacions, tallers, mercat artesà, exposicions, havaneras, danses, el desembarcament de corsaris, la hissada de la bandera pirata... I molt més! Veniu a gaudir d'aquest fantàstic cap de setmana al costat dels pirates i corsaris de l'Estartit!

Pirates and Corsairs at the Medes Islands 20...

Jun 27, 2018
21st, 22nd & 23rd of September. The Medes Islands have been the refuge of pirates and corsairs for many years, ...
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In such a large (and complex) market, as is the real estate, it is of paramount importance to know what is the one that has to be taken into account when hiring the services of a real estate agent. Although it is true that in recent years the lack of regularization of real estate brokerage activity has caused the deterioration of the image of the sector, which has also been recently in Catalonia, have established regulations that seek to promote transparency in the housing sector And guarantee the protection of consumers (Law 18/2007, of December 28, on the right to housing, Decree 12/2010, which regulates the requirements to exercise the activity of real estate agent and creates the Registration of approval Of real estate agents). Under this new regulation, since September 9, 2010, the Register of Real Estate Agents in Catalonia enters into force, which is obliged to register all real estate agents operating in Catalonia.

Why an API ? – Real State advace

Apr 10, 2017
In such a large (and complex) market, as is the real estate, it is of paramount importance to know what is the one ...
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