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Buy or rent? BBVA recommends the first option

Posted by on 15/11/2017

BBVA Research recommends buying at present, as reflected in its report Real Estate Situation in Spain.

But it should be noted that buying or renting a home is a decision that depends on a series of factors that must be carefully analyzed. The economists of BBVA Research agree that this decision depends on the structural factors, which correspond to the situation of the household, and the conjunctural factors.

However, analyzing only the five conjunctural factors, they find that four of them are favorable to the acquisition of housing against rent.

The four factors favorable to the purchase are:

Prices of sale and rental income. The sale prices of housing grow at moderate rates, on the contrary, the rental price is revalued by almost 10% in the main Spanish cities due to the scarcity of supply in the face of strong demand. Rental prices are getting higher.

Future expectations of revaluation of assets. Everything indicates that economic growth will continue.

Financing costs. The average mortgage rate of the new loans remains at historic lows (by an average of 2.2%) and is expected to remain so for a while.

Rentability of alternative products. The gross returns offered by the purchase of a home as an investment are very attractive. The Bank of Spain estimates 4.6%, being able to reach 9% gross adding the surplus value that would be obtained with the sale of the house.


The favorable factor for rent is:

– Fiscal measures in force. The government eliminated in 2013 the deduction in the IRPF for the purchase of habitual residence.

In addition, the BBVA report recalls the reasons for the notable increase in rent in recent years and that currently almost 20% of the population lives on a lease, being complex to predict whether this percentage will equal with time to the average European

It is also estimated an increase in sales and revaluation of housing.

Source of information :–bbva-recomienda-la-primera-opcion




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