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Felicitacio de Nadal Inmocosta API 2023

Felicitació de Nadal 2023

Dec 22, 2023
Com cada any, intentem fer-vos arribar els nostres millors desitjos per el Nadal . Cada any ens costa més i més aco ...
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Calendari Inmocosta 2023- 2024

nou calendari sobretaula 2024-2025

Oct 20, 2023
Intentem ésser propers i reflectir al nostre calendari el nostre día a día. La nostre mascota, finques que venem, e ...
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Ens hem traslladat

Mar 17, 2022
Nova adreça: Avinguda de Grecia 22 , 17258 L’ Estartit El mes de gener van començar les obres del nou despatx ...
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Com demanar una hipoteca si no vivim a Espan...

Aug 26, 2021
Cada vegada hi ha més persones interessades a adquirir un habitatge a Espanya. No obstant això, moltes d’elle ...
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És possible aconseguir el 100% de la hipotec...

May 15, 2021
Trobar el finançament que necessitem per a la compra del nostre habitatge és tasca complicada. Avui dia, el finança ...
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Test PCR Torroella de Montgri

Feb 10, 2021
Avui un client francés m´ha demanat per fer un test PCR per puguer retornar al seu pais. Com que es una pregunta re ...
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Calendari Inmocosta 2021 2022 Inmocosta API

Calendari Inmocosta 2021-2022

Jan 03, 2021
No pots deixar de tenir el nostre calendari. Vols tenir cada mes un indret diferent de la Costa Brava ?? De ben seg ...
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Em puc permetre comprar una casa?

Dec 30, 2020
Em puc permetre comprar una casa? No tothom pot permetre’s comprar una casa. De fet, un informe recentment pu ...
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nadal Inmocosta API

Bon Nadal

Dec 19, 2020
This calendar has been printed with 100% ecological and recyclable paper and with inks that have been formulated fr ...
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Informació actualitzada de la COVID-19 i viatges a Catalunya

Updated information on COVID-19 and trips to...

Dec 15, 2020
Due to the avalanche of calls from customers who ask us for the possibility of coming to our country, attached link ...
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Port Lligat

Nov 05, 2020
Portlligat Inmocosta api Estartit Portlligat és una de les cales més populars de Cadaqués i és possible acostar-se ...
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Platja des Jonquet

Nov 05, 2020
Platja Des Jonquet Inmocosta api Estartit Situada al Cap de Creus, és una platja composta per pedres a diversos km ...
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Platja del Borró

Nov 05, 2020
Platja del Borró Inmocosta api Estartit La platja del Borró es troba al cap Ras, un cap situat entre les poblacions ...
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Platja de Tudelae

Nov 05, 2020
Platja de Tudela Inmocosta api Estartit Aquesta platja està situada dins el Paratge de Tudela que es troba al Cap d ...
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Platja de Sa Tuna

Nov 05, 2020
Platja de Sa Tuna Inmocosta api Estartit La platja de Sa Tuna està situada a Begur i protegida per la Pun ...
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Platja de Sa Riera

Nov 05, 2020
Platja de Sa Riera Inmocosta api Estartit Located in Begur, Sa Riera is the largest beach in the municipality with ...
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Platja de l’Illa Roja

Nov 05, 2020
Platja de l’Illa Roja Inmocosta api Estartit The beach of Illa Roja belongs to the municipality of Begur and ...
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Platja d’en Balleu

Nov 05, 2020
Platja d’en Balleu Inmocosta api Estartit Located in Port de la Selva, in the heart of the Cap de Creus Natur ...
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El Golfet

Nov 05, 2020
El Golfet Inmocosta api Estartit Located on the outskirts of the urban center of Calella de Palafrugell, it is advi ...
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Caleta de Concagats

Nov 05, 2020
Caleta de Concagats Inmocosta api Estartit Located in Santa Cristina d’Aro, it can only be accessed by sea or ...
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Cala Tamariua

Nov 05, 2020
Cala Tamariua Inmocosta api Estartit Located in Cap de Creus, just 1 km from the town of Port de la Selva. It is re ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cala S'Alguer Costa Brava

Cala S’Alguer

Nov 05, 2020
Cala S’Alguer Small cove located between La Fosca and Castell beach, with old fishermen’s huts, many of ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Pedrosa Costa Brava

Cala Pedrosa

Nov 04, 2020
Cala Pedrosa Inmocosta api Estartit It is located in L’Estartit in the Montgrí Natural Park, Medes Islands an ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Montgó Costa Brava

Cala Montgó

Nov 04, 2020
Cala Montgó Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Montgó, is in the territorial limits between L’Escala and L’Est ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Jugadora Cap de Creus Costa Brava

Cala Jugadora

Nov 04, 2020
Cala Jugadora Inmocosta api Estartit Located in the middle of the Cap de Creus Natural Park, Cala Jugadora is a cov ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Giverola  Costa Brava

Cala Giverola

Nov 04, 2020
Cala Giverola Cala Giverola , Costa Brava Public beach 5 km north of Tossa de Mar. It can be accessed by car, but y ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Futadera Costa Brava

Cala Futadera

Nov 04, 2020
Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Futadera Amazing unspoilt beach located on the road to Sant Feliu de Guíxols. It is a w ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Foradada Costa Brava

Cala Foradada

Nov 04, 2020
Cala Foradada Inmocosta api Estartit Located between Palamós and Calella de Palafrugell, Cala Foradada is 5 minutes ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Farriola Costa Brava

Cala Ferriola

Nov 04, 2020
Cala Ferriola Inmocosta api Estartit Located between L’Estartit and Cala Montgó, we find Cala Ferriola. It is ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Canyet Costa Brava

Cala Canyet

Nov 04, 2020
Cala Canyet Inmocosta api Estartit Located between the road from Sant Feliu de Guíxols and Tossa de Mar, to Santa C ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Bramant Costa Brava

Cala Bramant

Nov 04, 2020
Cala Bramant Inmocosta api Estartit It is located about 2 km from Llançà and has good access on foot and by car. Th ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cala Bona

Cala Bona

Nov 04, 2020
Cala Bona Inmocosta api Estartit This cove is located about 2 km north of Tossa de Mar, you can access the cove thr ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit Cadaques


Nov 04, 2020
Cadaqués Inmocosta api Estartit Municipality of the Alt Empordà located on the eastern side of the Cap de Creus Nat ...
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Inmocosta api Estartit

Aigua Xelida

Nov 04, 2020
Aigua Xelida calendari Inmocosta API 2021-2022 Inmocosta api Estartit Cala de la Costa Brava located north of Tamar ...
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La tardor reobre la guerra hipotecària a tip...

Sep 29, 2020
Repassem els avantatges i la lletra petita de les millors alternatives de moment. La banca encara la recta final de ...
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Noves tendències en la compra d’un hab...

Jul 09, 2020
Noves tendències en la compra d’un habitatge. La majoria de compradors veuen imprescindible que el seu nou ha ...
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El sector inmobiliario como valor refugio en tiempos de pandemia

El sector immobiliari com a valor refugi en ...

Apr 17, 2020
Article escrit per Diego Bestard, CEO d’Urbanitae i vicepresident de l’Associació Espanyola de fintech ...
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Montgri´s Natural Park

Mar 07, 2020
Nature is the quintessential quality brand in our town Its imprint is centenary and generous. Mountain, valley, orc ...
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It once again distinguishes Torroella and L&...

Jan 08, 2020
25.10.19 For the third year, Torroella de Montgrí-l’Estartit-Illes Medes has been chosen as one of the 100 mo ...
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Thank you

Dec 21, 2019
For these 30 years walking together. Happy Holidays and all the best for 2020
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Inmocosta API Estartit calendari 2020-2021 Estartit escala torroella de montgri

Ja tenim el nou calendari de Inmocosta 2020-...

Aug 01, 2019
Ja tenim el nou calendari de Inmocosta 2020-2021
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Notaria Inmocosta API Estartit Costa Brava

Nova LLei hipotecaria

Jul 22, 2019
Aquestes són les tres preguntes més freqüents que responen els notaris en matèria d’hipoteques A Espanya es s ...
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We already have the new leaflet!

Apr 18, 2019
You can come to pick up the leaflet number 28 of the months april, mai and june 2019 in our office on l’Aving ...
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felicitacio Nadal Inmocosta API 2018 Bon Nadal Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and All the best for 2019

Dec 15, 2018
The value of things is not found in their durability but in the intensity of the impact they have on you when they ...
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The Before and the after in the capturing so...

Nov 09, 2018
The Before and the after in the capturing some of our properties. Often we find ourselves with properties that customers want to sell that need fixing up a bit before putting them up for sale. It is a ...
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Seleccionada una finca de Inmocosta a ser portada del portal Idealista

Seleccionada una finca d’ Inmocosta AP...

Oct 26, 2018
Seleccionada una finca de Inmocosta API a ser HOME del portal Idealista. Avui em sigut seleccionats pel portal IDEA ...
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Sessio fotos Lola Inmocosta API L'Estartit Costa Brava

Sessió fotogràfica amb la Lola, la nostra ma...

Oct 13, 2018
Sessió fotogràfica amb la Lola, la nostra mascota. Avui em estat fent fotos per un nou catàlec, entre immoble i imm ...
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Desktop calendar Inmocosta API 2019 / 2020

Aug 23, 2018
Desktop calendar Inmocosta API 2019 / 2020 We are already compiling the photos for the next 2019-2020 desktop calen ...
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sant genis 2018

Festa Major Torroella de Montgrí 2018

Aug 21, 2018
The Festa Major is one of the central events of the festive and cultural calendar of the town of Torroella de Montg ...
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certificat energetic

Servei de gestió de certificat d’eficiència ...

Jul 25, 2018
El Real Decret 235/2013, (BOE 89), de 5 d’abril, aproba el procediment bàsic per la certificació de la Eficiència E ...
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The value of an API agent

Jul 07, 2018
Can you buy a flat on the Internet as if you where buying a book?  Selling or acquiring a property, in addition to ...
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The town holiday of Sant Genís in Torroella ...

Jul 05, 2018
The town holiday of Sant Genís in Torroella de Montgrí. It is one of the most important events in El Baix Empordà, ...
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Festa Major Estartit 2018

L’Estartit Festival 2018.

Jul 05, 2018
For Saint Ana her in Estartit we celebrate the town holidays. This year we are celebrating these holidays from the ...
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Tallers familiars Mini Beach Club 2018 - Inmocosta API Estartit

Family workshops. Mini Beach Club 2018.

Jul 05, 2018
Family workshops. Mini Beach Club 2018. Come and enjoy the family workshops offered by the Mini Beach Club for free ...
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Illes Medes Les Illes Medes formen part del Parc Natural del Montgrí. Són actualment una de les reserves marines més importants de la Mediterrània occidental, així com un dels destins més apreciats en el móm del submarinisme. Les activitats nàutiques i subaquàtiques són variades i sempre respectuoses amb l'espai natural de les Illes Medes. A continuació deixem un seguit d'activitats diferents i divertides que es poden realitzar mentres  es gaudeix d'aquest famós Parc Natural.

Different ways to visit the Natural Reserve ...

Jun 29, 2018
Medes Islands The Medes Islands are part of the Montgrí Natural Park. They are currently one of the most important ...
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Come and discover the Natural Park in a very different way. The Hípica Mas Paguina offers excursions on horseback in this unique and special environmente of the Natural Park of Montgrí - Medes Islands and Baix Ter. Discover all the flora and fauna of the park by horse. They offer one hour long excursions, and they even offer, in the low season, five hour long excursions. They already have routs established, although they are always creating new ones.  They also organize fressage contests, birthday parties and they have a competition team that trains and competes regularly throughout the year. What are you waiting for? Come and join them.

Routes though the Natural Park on horseback ...

Jun 27, 2018
Come and discover the Natural Park in a very different way. The Hípica Mas Paguina offers excursions on horseback i ...
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21, 22 i 23 de Setembre Les Illes Medes han estat el refugi de pirates i corsaris desde fa molts anys, des d'allà dirigien els atacs a les costes des del mig del mar. Per recordar aquells temps, l'Estartit s'omple de festa. Els carrers estan plens de parades amb productes artesans i tradicionals, de decoracions i d'alegria. La fira se celebra el tercer cap de setmana de setembre, on podrem gaudir tots d'espectacles, cercaviles, actuacions, tallers, mercat artesà, exposicions, havaneras, danses, el desembarcament de corsaris, la hissada de la bandera pirata... I molt més! Veniu a gaudir d'aquest fantàstic cap de setmana al costat dels pirates i corsaris de l'Estartit!

Pirates and Corsairs at the Medes Islands 20...

Jun 27, 2018
21st, 22nd & 23rd of September. The Medes Islands have been the refuge of pirates and corsairs for many years, ...
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38th Edition of the Torroella de Montgrí Festival. The 38th edition of the Torroella de Montgrí Festival will be held from the 1st to the 19th of August. During these 19 days there will be performances almost every day. During these days we will have the performances of great interpreters from here and abroad; and also of young musicians who are starting to stand out in the music world. The festival will occupy emblematic spaces of Torroella. It will be inaugurated with a concert by the Acadèmia Bizantina on the 1st of august at the Auditori Espai Ter. Below we will leave a link to buy the tickets and to also be able to consult the programming of this year.

38th Edition of the Torroella de Montgrí Fes...

Jun 25, 2018
38th Edition of the Torroella de Montgrí Festival. The 38th edition of the Torroella de Montgrí Festival will be he ...
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From the 19th to the 22nd of July. During these 4 days the music notes of the best European jazz will echo throughout Estartit. The square of el passeig del Molinet will become the outdoor setting for this big festival. Ther will also be an area for food trucks and there also will be a big terrace with fantastic views of the sea and the Medes Islands. Tha jazz concerts are a complement to the wide range of activities that Estartit and its surroundings has to offer. We will leave you with the program so you cansee everything that this event has to offer.

Jazz Festival L’Estartit 2018

Jun 22, 2018
From the 19th to the 22nd of July. During these 4 days the music notes of the best European jazz will echo througho ...
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From the 11th to the 15th of July. A whole weekend dedicated to the Beatles. There are lots of activities planned including concerts, exhibitions, outside cinema, boat trips and much more. We invite you to come and enjoy this fantastic weekend. Here we will leave you with the activity program so you can fully enjoy the events!

L’Estartit Beatles Weekend!

Jun 22, 2018
From the 11th to the 15th of July. A whole weekend dedicated to the Beatles. There are lots of activities planned i ...
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Treks in the Natural Park of Montgrí, Medes Islands. - InmocostaAPI Penetrate this fantastic natural park where you can discover a whole new world of different colors just at hands reach! We will leave you with some of the best treks you can do in the area during these summer holidays!!

Treks in the Natural Park of Montgrí, Medes ...

Jun 21, 2018
Treks in the Natural Park of Montgrí, Medes Islands. – InmocostaAPI Penetrate this fantastic natural park whe ...
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Diploma of Recognition to the Company For its commitment to train students of the Cicle Formatiu of Comercial Activities from the Institute Montgrí, in adequate working enviroment for thei training (FP Dual) On Wednesday, June the 6th, we celebrated the presentation of 4 business projects by four students in the second year of the Cicle Formatiu of Comrcial Activites course. The celebration wwas held at the Mediterranean Museum in Torroella de Montgrí. It was very intersting to sea diferent approaches from different points of view. At the end of the presentations dipolmas were given to all the companies that have had trainees in training for more than 1.000 hours. Cristina Collier, Inmocosta's trainee, handed me the diploma issude by the Institute of Torroella de Montgrí in collaboration with the Deparatment of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Cristina has many more hours of training to complete and we are making sure that she is learining in the best professional enviroment.

Diploma of Recognition to the Company Inmoco...

Jun 15, 2018
Diploma of Recognition to the Company For its commitment to train students of the Cicle Formatiu of Comercial Activ ...
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This year 2018, the Championship of Catalonia of Path to the Equestrian Mas Paguina of L'Estartit will be held. It will be a very interesting test where the best carriages of Catalonia will come. It will be worth the trouble to give it a look. You can not miss

Championship of Catalonia of Path to the Equ...

Jun 05, 2018
This year 2018, the Championship of Catalonia of Path to the Equestrian Mas Paguina of L’Estartit will be hel ...
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30th Anniversary of InmoCosta API L'Estartit. Today, on the 30 birthday to the constitution of our society, we present our new company car.

30th Anniversary of InmoCosta API L’Es...

May 11, 2018
30th Anniversary of InmoCosta API L’Estartit. Today, on the 30 birthday to the constitution of our society, w ...
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Trailwalker2018 .- Walk to have a better world. We are proud this year to colaborate with Ignasi, Jordi, Sònia and Verònica who have been training t compete 100 km trail from Olot to Sant Feliu de Guixols. It was a very difficult achivement, but with their traaining, strenght and will, they have overcome this. Congratulations to all.

Trailwalker2018 .- Walk to have a better wor...

Apr 21, 2018
Trailwalker2018 .– Walk to have a better world. We are proud this year to colaborate with Ignasi, Jordi, Sòni ...
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New catalog INMOCOSTA API April-May-June One more time we have advertised in Inmocosta Api new properties for sale. This time we have incorporated the QR code to all properties, this way, our customers can choose their own language Catalan, French, Spanish or English, making our catalog much more affordable. From any telephone and capturing in photo the QR code automatically opens the screen with the information of the requested property and for your convenience, you only need to select the language. As always, we try our best to help our clients.

New catalog INMOCOSTA API April-May-June

Apr 10, 2018
New catalog INMOCOSTA API April-May-June One more time we have advertised in Inmocosta Api new properties for sale. ...
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Easter Schedule 2018 Inmocosta Api L'Estartit

Easter Schedule 2018 Inmocosta Api L’E...

Mar 27, 2018
 Easter Schedule 2018 Inmocosta Api L’Estartit This Easter 2018 we will be open on Good Friday from 10-13, Sa ...
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One-third of Girona's homes are purchased by foreigners A third of the homes that are bought in the province of Girona go to foreign hands, especially of French people. The data of the College of Registrars leave no doubt. In 2017, of the 10,353 homes sold in the demarcation, 3,183 bought them from foreigners, that is, 30.7% of the total. A percentage that is more than double that the state average, of 13.5%, and that the average of Catalonia, of 13.7%. But, in addition, the sale of homes to foreigners in the province increased almost 20.5% last year. Thus, in Girona, the sale of homes to foreigners is again gaining weight, after a setback in 2016, and is among the favorite Spanish demarcations for buyers abroad. In fact, the fourth quarter of 2017 only surpassed the provinces of Alicante, with 42.8% of foreign buyers; Tenerife, with 38.5%, and the Balearic Islands, with 35.4%.

One-third of Girona’s homes are purcha...

Mar 19, 2018
  One-third of Girona’s homes are purchased by foreigners A third of the homes that are bought in the pr ...
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Sunday was held at the Mas Paguina de l'Estartit Hipica the classic dressage contest in Doma. As always, day-to-day work, training hours ... are reflected in the results. There is nothing easy, certainty and perseverance are the only keys. Congratulations to all the participants

Contest Pega classic jacket at Hipica Mas Pa...

Feb 05, 2018
Sunday was held at the Mas Paguina de l’Estartit Hipica the classic dressage contest in Doma. As always, day- ...
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Trends and design in decoration by 2018

Jan 29, 2018
In general, the house is perceived today, more than ever, as a refuge in front of a stressful and unstable outer. Softness in materials, with velvet at the head, the search for natural finishes and sp ...
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One of the biggest sources of germs is in yo...

Jan 27, 2018
One of the biggest sources of germs is in your living room and it is played by your whole family. Actually yes, the control of television is probably an important germ center, since it is very likely ...
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December 1. - The Christmas Campaign begins One more year we are pleased to send you a Christmas greeting via email. It is true that it is a brutal job and I always ask myself at the beginning of November whether I do it or not. The photo I made a cold morning of the first half of November with a cold heart attack, sheltered to the brain and with LOLA circling around looking at me horrified because he was carrying 2 dolls of the car and to the beach. It was windy and the image I wanted to transmit did not come out at the first, second, or third ... until it started to dawn and I said ... come on ... this is good. And here you have our congratulations from Nadal, with our Christmas colleagues, the Christ and Mas, that as every year you can see by this time in our office. I must confess that in spite of laziness and work, if I did not send you this congratulation, I would surely regret it and not forgive me. To all / all, we wish you a very happy Christmas and all the best by 2018, the INMOCOSTA team.

December 1. – The Christmas Campaign b...

Dec 01, 2017
December 1. – The Christmas Campaign begins One more year we are pleased to send you a Christmas greeting via ...
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The Costa Brava on 1926

The Costa Brava on 1926

Nov 28, 2017
LLafranch, Aiguablava, Begur, L’Estartit, L’Escala, Badia de Roses, Cadaqués, Port de la Selva i LLançà ...
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Elegant, disciplined and with great force of will.- Final league ACEEGI- VII League Doma classica 2017 Every year a team of Equestrian Competition MAS PAGUINA is training. Week by week, with a great deal of will and enthusiasm, the equestrian ponies were trained under the orders of Raquel Picas in the classical dressage mode. They have given us parents a great example of what enthusiasm and passion for horses. To all of them CONGRATULATIONS.

Elegant, disciplined and with great force of...

Nov 20, 2017
Elegant, disciplined and with great force of will.- Final league ACEEGI- VII League Doma classica 2017 Every year a ...
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Buy or rent? BBVA recommends the first option Inmocosta API

Buy or rent? BBVA recommends the first optio...

Nov 15, 2017
BBVA Research recommends buying at present, as reflected in its report Real Estate Situation in Spain. But it shoul ...
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Fotocasa Academy.- We are recycling Inmocost...

Nov 14, 2017
Recycling today in Girona with Sergi Marcos, a great real estate professional and who makes all the aspects we have ...
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The new Girona API communication campaign: I...

Nov 14, 2017
The new Girona API communication campaign: If it’s not an API, be careful!
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The Medes have been, since the 16th century, a haven for pirates and corsairs, since they were preparing attacks on the mainland. To make memory of those times, the Estartens and visitors enjoy a festival full of shows and activities for children and adults. The fair is celebrated on the third weekend of September and the streets of the center are filled with stalls with traditional and craft products. There are animations aimed at children, parades through the streets of the municipality, pirate performances, privateers' landings, children's workshops, guided tours of exhibitions, among others.

Fira de Pirates i Corsaris de les Illes Mede...

Sep 04, 2017
 Fira de Pirates i Corsaris de les Illes Medes The Medes have been, since the 16th century, a haven for pirates and ...
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New Schedule Inmocosta API L´Estartit

Aug 31, 2017
Schedule New schedule from September 4th. You will meet us at noon now.          From Monday to Friday – 9:00 a.m. to 19:00 p.m.          Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.
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